Explore more of our
Crisp Beers
Less a flavor than a mouthfeel, we define crispness as beers that are light in body, noticeably carbonated, and effortlessly drinkable. Of course, you can find this profile in a wide variety of types and styles of beer, which is what makes it such a fascinating flavor profile to explore! See more crisp beers with a click below.
Proud to B
Since 2019, we've been a Certified B Corp brewery, striving to brew for the good of our employees, community, and environment.
Pilot Teamwork
When it comes to innovating new beer, we rely on every single person that works at Allagash. Doesn’t matter if they’ve been at the company for ten days or ten years. That’s how our pilot system works: anyone at our brewery with an idea can potentially create the next big Allagash beer.
Good Words
From Maine, With Love
an Allagash Brewing Co. Podcast
This fun, informal, and informative podcast shows listeners what it’s like to work at an independent B Corp-certified brewery up here in Portland, Maine.