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Since we started in 1995, every single Allagash beer has been brewed with water that came from Sebago Lake. This pristine, and plentiful, water source is amazing in its own right: there’s enough water in Sebago Lake to give every person on earth 100 gallons each, and still have water left over.

And, like all good things, we need to make sure that we preserve it.

In this episode, we talk with Paul Hunt of the Portland Water District and Matt Markot of Loon Echo Land Trust—both members of Sebago Clean Waters, a nonprofit partner of ours that is working to preserve Sebago Lake. You’ll learn some staggering facts about our amazing water source, the strides Sebago Clean Waters is making in preserving it, and what you can do to help!

Brett has been a part of the Allagash Marketing Team since 2016. He's a big fan of sharing the many stories Allagash has to offer through blogs, newsletters, as the host of their podcast, and in intermittent appearances on social media.